Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Yarny Tune 7/2

This week's Yarny Tune is "5 Years Time" by Noah and the Whale. To listen, simply bring your eyes to the bottom right corner of your screen and press play! That's where all future Yarny Tunes will appear, all songs handpicked by yours truly! :)
(And no, the songs themselves aren't really "yarny", but i thought I could pick a song every week or so and also post about my works in progress, yarny inspiration, etc.)
If anyone has any recommendations for future Yarny Tunes don't be shy! Leave me a comment below or send me an E-mail :) 

Works In Progress..
 Here's the granny baby blanket i prattled about in my last post. It's almost all joined up! Just one more strip to go.. 
I keep getting really anxious to finish it already, but then I turn it around..

 Just look at all those pesky ends that still need weaving in! -__-
I've been working on it in my jazz history class, as it keeps me warm and awake in that cold and sleepy classroom. Every time i look up from my crochet to my surroundings, i mentally chuckle to myself at the sight of my classmates falling asleep from so much dreamy jazz music being played. Haha, suckers! I don't fall asleep because my hands are busy with knitting and crochet <3

Jazmine Garland
 Get it? As in Judy Garland? Except It's my name on a garland. At least soon it will be. For now it's just "J". (I plopped Ben in there so you could have some size perception ;) )
 Sigh. It seems i have fallen into deep, hopeless love with crochet. (Cue tiny violin.)

I'm also halfway done with my crochet teddy. I haven't figured out how to do the legs quite the way I had wanted to do them. Hence, I present you with (temporarily) Frankenstein Teddy:
He is missing an ear, and he may not have legs or a face yet, but already i see traces of a lovely personality in him. 
Here he is pondering the meaning of life:
He also plays a mean game of hide-and-seek..
 I think he'll be dashing once he's all finished and sewed up :) 

 Don't forget to keep your peepers peeled for another giveaway, coming soon!
Tootles! :)

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