Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Crochet Tiger, Knitting Dragon

Three days ago I stumbled upon a Michael's store while going out for crepes and walked out with my very first set of crochet hooks (and some yarn, of course!).
I watched these two videos and soon i made these:
My very first, SUPER wonky, unblocked granny square. (I believe i used this tutorial.) Now that I've made more of these i can see that this turned out wonky because i didn't finish the row, duh! I'm so proud of it! even though I have already unraveled it to use the yarn for something else..

The super simple hexagon that I found on ravelry.

I made four :)

I went on a granny square frenzy and now I'm working on a full blown baby blanket!

*I've already started joining some of the squares using this great tutorial from Carina's Craftblog!

Little Rosebud seems to approve.
I still haven't decided what to do with the finished result, but it'll most likely go up on the shop. It feels so good to learn a new skill, i feel just like last October when i first taught myself knitting and scoured every blog, website, Etsy shop, and project on Ravelry to sedate my thirst for learning! Ah, the day i became a yarn junkie, I'll never forget it :) Now I am proud to call myself a Crochet Tiger, Knitting Dragon!

I've Been Swatching [You].

Apart from the granny squares Crochet Jazmine has been working on, Knitting Jazmine started swatches for my top secret Etsy project! I'm very excited about it and I can't wait to post about it!
Teddy's excited too. Just look at his wicked little smile. Oh yeah, he's definitely up to something.

What I've Been Reading
  • Stephen King: Misery
  • J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Those glasses are part of a super cool costume i got from Ben the Christmas I turned 16. The scarf is actually something I knitted a few months back. It's my own pattern that I've already forgotten because I don't like to write things down, especially not in the heat and excitement one gets caught up in when casting on! It's a cable scarf knit in Gryffindor colors, and you can see me below wearing it on TV.
Don't mind the nerdy guy in the stripes, it's just Ben.

What knitting or crochet projects have you been working on? I'd love to hear about them!

But before you leave, please kindly gaze upon this photo of a turtle that i took.
  He is not amused.
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Sunday, June 10, 2012

And the Winner is...

Howdy doodle there folks!
And the winner of the knitted bow giveaway is... Bethany! Yay! :)

Thank you so much to everyone who participated! And special thanks to all those facebook friends who helped me spread the word, you guys are the sweetest :)

I was feeling rather sad about so many of you entering and having only one winner that I thought I should offer 20% off of the raspberry turban headband to all the contestants! 

All you have to do is send me the same E-mail address you used to enter the giveaway on the "note to seller" box at checkout and I'll refund the difference to you :)

Thank you to everyone for all the support! 

Goodnight and happy yarn bombing day.
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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Best Friend Day

Hello Friends :)
Today was best friend day! (I'm writing this at midnight so i suppose i really mean "yesterday" -_-) I thought it would be nice if i took a moment to tell you all about my wonderful friend!

This is Kim and I about two summers ago when we had a bake sale at the park. She's a strange one, and probably the only other girl in the world besides my mother who i have no trouble interacting with. She is the sweetest gal, and i think she's the only person under 30 who knows how to send mail, as she is always sending sporadic care packages to my home! We like to engage in several activities together, such as laughing, dancing, laughing, and baking. Oh and we also laugh :) A LOT. 
Kim has acquired many names while being my friend: Kim of the Islands, Cookin' Mama, Cukimber, Pepinos, and Peps. 
One of the things i love about her is how multi-talented she is! It's true folks, she's a great artist, baker, writer, seamstress, and i recently taught her knitting so that's another thing she's getting good at! I love admiring her art works and i love that she's comfortable enough to let me see them and "interpret" them, haha. She makes the most delicious food! I think she's the reason why i love baking so much, because she introduced me to it. She can make anything, and it ALWAYS tastes good. I don't even know how that's possible but hey, she is Cookin' Mama after all ;)
I don't think you could get the true essence of our friendship through my measly words, so here's a video of us in action. (Don't feel like you have to watch the whole thing.. It's very long!)

If, upon seeing this, you found us extremely annoying, then i think you've got the normal reaction everybody else gets when they're around us :) Hahaha Pepinos I love you and this is for you:

Taken from here

What do you love about your best friend? :)

P.S. Tomorrow is National Yarn Bombing Day! :)


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